Monday 19 October 2015

Getting Organised!

Guys, we all know Paperchase is the bomb, right?! But I'm here to tell you why Paperchase is even more the boom than you might think!

Those who know me well, know that I go through diaries like there's no tomorrow! I've been known to buy three, or more, in one year! And I have something of a golden rule; I always buy my diaries from Paperchase. 

Okay, so I buy a lot of my stationery from Paperchase. But I have been known to cheat on Paperchase with Wilkos/WHSmith/Tiger. (I'm sorry, take me back?!) But diaries? I won't buy them from anywhere else.

You might be wondering why. The answer is simple. I've not found anywhere (in the UK, at least) that do diaries as cute as Paperchase! 

And this. This is my latest acquisition and, well, I think....I think it might be the one! You might laugh. My mum did; she's convinced I'll be buying more diaries before this year is out! But honestly, this one fulfils all my needs!

This is the first time I've seen these 'Today' inserts, but I love them! Super useful for noting down, and checking off, all those important blogger tasks you need to get done!

I have to admit, one of the main reasons I fell for this organiser was the stationery inside. I mean, how cute? It's too often the case that the outside is gorgeous, but the inside dull. Not so with this organiser, though!

I love the floral design on the dividers, and the colourful tabs marking each section!

Those pages though! It's such a pretty, feminine design!

I'm always complaining that there's never enough space to write down all my addresses, but that is definitely not the case here! So much space!

The notes pages are both pretty and plentiful! Super useful for jotting down blog ideas on the go!

More notes pages. Also super cute!

Blank pages are so useful for 'brain storming' and doodling!

Confession; the 'To-Do List' insert was bought separately, which is why the design is different. But I find to do lists super useful, and mine's already filling up after only a few weeks!

The 'Shopping List' insert was also bought separately (both inserts are available from Paperchase though!) I love lists. Who doesn't?! Having a shopping list in the back of my organiser means I can easily  jot down the bits I need before I head out, or as they come to me! 

As if all that wasn't enough, there's plenty of card slots in the front, which I use to hold my business cards, and a pouch in both front and back! I'm forever stuffing receipts, invoices, order forms and what-not into these pouches! Oh, and an elastic pen holder so you don't have to hunt around in your bag for that one you know is there, but seems to disappear whenever you actually need it!

How do you stay organised? Do you have a favourite diary or organiser? 

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