Wednesday 23 December 2015

2015 Was The Year...

2015 isn't quite over yet, but I wanted to share with you some of the highlights of the past year. Because 2015 was the year...

...we got a cat!

10th March 2015 was the day my other half and I bought home our first pet together; a black and white kitten we called Harley. 

He's grown so much in 9 months. Above is Harley a few days after we bought him home. Below is Harley this week!

...I turned 25

...we visited Bristol Aquarium

Albeit not for the first, or the last, time!

...I discovered Lush!

And I'm a total convert!

...we visited Cadbury World!

My first time, the OH's second time. I loved it so much, I'm already planning to go again in 2016/2017! 

...we celebrated good friends' 50th wedding anniversary!

So, 2015 has been good to me, to us. I can only hope that 2016 is as good! 

What are your best bits from 2015? Are you looking forward to 2016? Let me know in the comments!

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