Sunday 8 May 2016

May Goals!

Blah blah is it May already...blah blah blah...this year is going too fast...blah blah've heard this all before. Boy, I know how to write an introduction don't I?! I'm a little bit late posting my May goals this month but it's still only the first week of May (just) so it's all good! 

Close Up Photo of Pink Tulips

I did so well with my April goals. I'm so proud! I credit this success to my bullet journal; I'll be sharing more about this in a separate blog post soon!

1. Participate in at least one Twitter chat. Okay, so this one didn't happen. But I had good intentions! I booked in to host a chat towards the end of April, but unfortunately circumstances arose that meant I couldn't host it. And every time I thought I'd sit down and join in with one of the umpteen chats going on every night, something came up to divert my attention! 

2. Spend less. I still have money left from payday! A massive success in my eyes. 

3. Start a bullet journal. Ah ma god, yes. I did this, and it has changed my life! Why didn't I do it sooner?!

4. Declutter. There's still a lot to do, but I've made a good start so I'm counting this as a success!

5. Revise for my theory test. I've booked my theory test *panics* and I've spent every night since doing practice questions and studying The Highway Code. Success.

4 out of 5. Much of my success with my April goals is down to my bullet journal, but I've just been much more focused this month. It's great!

Now for this month's goals...

1. Practice a little bit of Calm every day. Using the book and the app Calm by Michael Acton Smith.

2. Stick to my cleaning schedule. (More about this in my bullet journal blog post soon!)

3. Drink more water. I try to do this every few months and normally fail. But I'm hoping my bullet journal will help me out this time. Are you sensing a theme yet?!

4. Send out my first blogging newsletter. I'm planning to send out my first newsletter at the end of May. If you're not subscribed yet, you can subscribe at the end of this blog post or on my home page!

5. Reach 700 Twitter followers and 400 Instagram followers. I smashed 700 Twitter followers just a few days ago, and I'm edging closer to my goal on Instagram. Follow me here and here if you don't already! 

Wish me luck!

What are your goals for May? Let me know in the comments below!

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