Wednesday 24 August 2016

Cake-tastic* || With Caketoppers

You know how I said I'm not a food blogger? Well, it turns out, I just might be. It's hard not to be a food blogger when you really effing love food. It probably doesn't come as much of a surprise to those of you who follow me on Twitter and Instagram; I'm forever sharing photos of my pizza/roast/chocolate stash. The list goes on. Because there isn't really any one food I favour above the others. I love all food equally. Except for cake. Cakes goes straight to the top of the list, as far as I'm concerned. Banana bread (is that even cake? IDC, I love it!), fruit cake, chocolate cake, toffee cake, cupcakes. I love them all. I have a real sweet tooth, see.

So then, how could I resist the offer to review personalised cupcakes by Caketoppers? I've never eaten a cake with my face on it before!

When I came home from a long, hot day out shopping, I found that my neighbours had taken in my cupcake delivery for me. And left the cupcakes in their warm kitchen. All day. Doom, right? I expected a melted mess, and was wondering how on earth I'd photograph the cakes for a blog post, so I stuck the cupcakes in the fridge for an hour. Which, I later learned from the information sheet inside the package, you're not supposed to do. Oops? But if refrigerating these cupcakes made them bad, then I don't want them to be good. Because they were TO. DIE. FOR.

I mean, I'm taking my fiancé's word for this slightly as, being the wonderful fiancée that I am, I let him have the classic sponge cupcake whilst I gobbled up the chocolate sponge cupcake. I'm really glad I chose the chocolate. Although I'm sure the classic sponge was just as nice, the chocolate was just divine. The softest sponge, the richest chocolate. Heavenly!

I was really impressed with the delivery service. These cupcakes withstood the heat of my neighbours kitchen, and then being refrigerated. They were wrapped carefully in plastic, and surrounded by bubble wrap to keep them safe during transport. And when I opened the box, I was greeted by the lovely little card above, with a personalised message on the back! Included in the box were a few business cards, so I can place future orders (yay!) and a handy information leaflet of how to store, and all the ingredients. Oh, and my cupcakes were shipped Monday and arrived Tuesday. Can't get much better than that, can you?!

I ended up taking my cupcake to work with me the next day. My fiancé scoffed his as soon as I opened the box! One of my colleagues pointed out that these personalised cupcakes (which can be personalised with any image of your choice) would be great for children's birthday parties. And adult's!

I chose to have my blog logo on the cupcake because, well, it just seemed logical as I knew I'd be featuring these on my blog. Plus, I love my blog logo (this is actually my blog button but it's almost identical) which was designed by the super talented Jemma!

I don't really know what else I can say about the most amazing cupcakes I have ever tasted and ohmygod I ate mine way too fast and now I want another, whyyyyy?! OH, yes. I have a discount code for you! Who doesn't love a bit of money off, right? Grab yourself 10% off your own personalised cupcakes from Caketoppers with my code; ARW10. Just enter the code at checkout and 10% will be deducted from your total. Easy, right? Now go, and buy yourself cupcakes. You deserve it!

Have you ever eaten a cupcake with your face on it?!

*Products were sent to me in exchange for a review. All words and opinions are my own.

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