I've taken the inspiration for today's blog post from a blogger I hugely admire and respect; Queen Beady. She recently shared the 30 things she wants to achieve before she turns 30 on her own blog. And with me turning 27 this year, I thought it was time to share my own list (you know, after I'd come up with one, of course!) So today I present to you, in no particular order, my 30 before 30 list...
1. Visit New York, at Christmas!
2. Go to the dentist (I haven't been in seven years, I really need to get my teeth checked before I hit my 30's!)
3. Cook, or bake, something from scratch.
4. Have a baby (or two).
5. Get married (with a bit of luck, I'll be able to cross this off my list by the end of the year!)
7. Celebrate Christmas at home. (I love seeing family at Christmas, don't get me wrong, but just once I'd like to stay at home on Christmas Day and cook the Christmas dinner!)
8. Read, at least, one book a month.
9. Go to a gig or show.
10. Keep a diary. (Not necessarily every day, but regularly. It'll be something nice to look back on in years to come!)
11. Redecorate the kitchen.
12. Grow my Bloglovin' to 1000 followers.
13. Grow my Twitter and Instagram following to 5000.
14. Lose 7 stone.
15. Repaint the house. (We've been here nearly four years now, and it needed painting when we first moved in!)
16. Go full-time with blogging.
17. Attend, at least, one blogging event.
18. Buy myself a MacBook.
19. Replace the old/worn-out furniture. (The sofa's have seen better days thanks to a certain cat, called Harley!)
20. Cook a Sunday roast, at least, once a month.
21. Learn how to do my make-up, properly. (If anyone knows of any places that could teach me how to do my make-up so I don't end up looking like clown, please tell me!)
22. Swim with dolphins.
23. Have some decent savings.
24. Get my name put on the mortgage. (When we first moved into our house together, my credit score was in the gutter. Now it's massively improved, I'd like to be put on the mortgage!)
25. Replace the fire in our living room.
26. Watch the sunrise.
27. Go to a field, lie down and watch the stars.
28. Go on a road trip.
29. Buy a new car.
30. Get a dog (this one could prove tricky - I already have a cat who has never encountered dogs, so no idea how he would react. Plus, my fiancé is very against us having a dog so...!)
I'll admit, I might be dreaming with some of these goals. Like with visiting New York at Christmas. I've no idea how much it actually costs, but I know it's a lot! But it's good to dream, and aim high, right? I've got 3 years and 9 months to achieve all of these so, wish me luck!
Do you have any goals you'd like to achieve before your next milestone birthday?
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