Sunday, 26 February 2017

Life Lately - February Edition!

February just whizzed by, didn't it?! Probably helped by the fact that this year, it only had 28 days. But still, that was fast! If the next six months go by as fast as January, and February, did, it'll be our wedding before you know it. Oh, didn't you know? We've finally set a date! 

With the wedding finally booked, there's been lots to do recently! So far we've; given notice of our intent to marry (I'm planning on dedicating a whole blog post to this, so keep an eye out for that) and chosen, ordered and picked up both our wedding rings! Next month, we have a meeting with our chosen photographer, and suit fittings. It's finally sunk in that this is really happening; we're getting married! 

With the wedding in mind, then, this month was the last time we'd be celebrating Valentine's Day as Mr and Miss! And to mark the occasion, I had this very thoughtful card from my fiancĂ©. He doesn't usually write much in my cards, Valentine's or otherwise, so this little message really meant the world to me! We had big plans for Valentine's Day, dinner out and a movie, but we were both tired and feeling under the weather, so we got take-out and stayed home! 

So, enough wedding talk. What else happened in February? We caught up with our good friends, Barry and Margaret. We usually go out for food with them every three-four months, and we hadn't seen them since before Christmas, so it was good to catch up. We had some amazing food at The Pheasant Inn, in Toddington; keep an eye out in my February Favourites for some food pics! I spent a day with Tanya, and her two little girls, who are all involved in our wedding as a bridesmaid and flower girls, respectively. We had lunch, did some shopping, and I spent way too much money in Primark! 

Oh, I also got started on using up some of my Lush Christmas bath bombs in February. I need to make space in my collection for their Mother's Day and Easter ranges. I still have so many bath bombs to use though; lots more baths to look forward to in March!

So long, February!

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