2. Lose 2IBS. Eugh, the less said about this the better.
3. Drink more water. I'm still not drinking enough water. I plan to rectify this by filling up a water bottle with water/squash every morning, and aiming to have it empty by lunch. Refill and repeat in the afternoon!
It wasn't such a bad month, I ticked off more of my February goals than I thought I was going to. But I didn't do too well with my health goals, and I'm going to be focusing on those in March!
1. Start counting calories, again! Some people swear off counting calories as a diet method, but counting, and limiting, my daily calorie intake really works well for me.
2. Lose 3IBS. This month, I'm really pushing weight loss. Especially with the realisation that the wedding is only six months away, and I'm still one dress size larger than I'd like to be!
3. Swim every week. If I can swim at least once a week, I know I'll see results when it comes to losing weight.
4. Twice weekly, or more, weights. As well as losing weight, I want to tone up both my arms and my legs. Swimming will help, but I want to use my fiance's weights at least twice a week, too.
5. Start a daily skincare regime. I want to look my best for the wedding; both in terms of weight, and looks. I should have started a daily skincare regime years ago (I'm not getting any younger!) but now is definitely the time to start!
As you can see, my focus this month is definitely on health, fitness and wellbeing! I plan to to carry on with daily self-care and gratitude to ensure my mental health doesn't slide, too!
What are your goals for March?
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