Sunday 28 May 2017

Aimee Raindrop Writes Turns Two!

Lighted Candles on Cupcakes

Well, this is exciting! Today my little ole' blog turns TWO! And to celebrate, I thought I'd share with you some of my blogging wisdom because, obviously, I'm now a pro blogger, right? Mega lolz! Here's what I've learnt about blogging over the last two years...

1. If it feels like a chore, stop. In the past, I've tried to churn out blog posts when I'm really not feeling it and, to be honest, they read like shit. If your heart isn't in, for whatever reason, step away from the keyboard and come back to it another day!

2. No one will notice if you don't post for a day/a week/a month! Harsh as it may sound, your readers won't fall apart without you. And 99.9% of them will still be there when you come back. So if you need a break, take it!

3. Be picky. When I first started getting offers of paid work, I took every opportunity going. But now, a year or so on, I'm much more selective. Sure, I need the money. But I don't want to compromise the integrity and originality of my blog. So I only take on projects that, I feel, really fit well with my blog.

4. You won't know how to fill your time without blogging! I found this out fairly recently, when I took a week away from my blog. I was sat at home, of an evening, wondering what do now I didn't have any posts to write, photos to edit, or tweets to schedule! 

4. Blogging will bring wonderful new people into your life. I never expected to make friends through blogging; an online hobby I picked up, mostly, on a whim. But two years later, and I have made some solid, lasting friendships with some wonderful people (Justine, Alex, Sarah - to name a few - I'm looking at you!)

5. Don't compare yourself to other bloggers! As hard as it is not to do, comparing yourself to other bloggers is toxic. You do you, and don't worry about what anybody else is doing. You'll feel better for it, honest!

To celebrate my blog entering it's terrible twos in style, I have a BIG birthday giveaway for you guys to enter. ONE lucky person will win a self-care package (pictured above) containing;

- Galaxy Minstrels
- Colouring pencils
- Colouring book
- Notebook 
- Lavender soap
- Chocolate coins
- Lilac nail polish
- Lavender candle
- Glass candle holder
- Cherry Blossom shower gel
- Cosy socks
- Candyfloss
- Postcard
- Candyfloss scrub face mask
- Notebook and pencil
- Plastic box (for storing all your self-care goodies in!)

Want to be in with a chance of winning all these goodies, then? Of course you do! And it couldn't be any easier to enter, just follow the instructions below! Make sure you get your entry in by the 23rd of June. Giveaway open to UK residents only. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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