Friday 7 July 2017

Book Review: You Don't Know Me by Imran Mahmood

An unnamed defendant stands accused of murder. Just before the Closing Speeches, the young man sacks his lawyer, and decides to give his own defence speech.

He tells us that his barrister told him to leave some things out. Sometimes, the truth can be too difficult to explain, or believe. But he thinks that if he's going to go down for life, he might as well go down telling the truth.

There are eight pieces of evidence against him. As he talks us through them one by one, his life is in our hands. We, the reader - member of the jury - must keep an open mind till we hear the end of his story. His defence raises many questions...but at the end of the speeches, only one matters:

Did he do it?

I picked this book up after reading a review of it on another book blog. It looked very promising, and I was eager to read it. Thanks to the blurb being a little vague, I really had no idea what to expect from You Don't Know Me, or even if it was really my sort of book. But I dove straight in, and ended up reading it in less than two days!

You Don't Know Me was such an intense read. It was like nothing I've ever read before. I loved that it was written as the defendant would speak; although I did trip up over some of the slang terms used. I'm definitely getting old...  I loved that we, the reader, were treated as an integral part of the story. And, although it ended abruptly, I loved that when it ended it left you with that all important question; did he do it? A fantastic piece of literature from start to finish - one I can definitely see myself reading again in the future, as I don't think it'll ever get old.

Rating: *****

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