Sunday, 26 November 2017

Ten Reasons Why I Love Autumn!

I absolutely LIVE for Autumn/Winter. I am in my element when frost coats the roofs of the houses opposite mine. I adore the colder weather, unless I have to go out in it. And even then, I love bundling up in a coat, scarf and gloves to keep warm whilst braving the freezing conditions! Those are just a few things I love about Autumn, now here are some more!
  1. Hot chocolate. And all the Christmas Costa and Starbucks drinks! I am itching to try Costa's NEW Billionaire's Hot Chocolate. I have a feeling it's going to be quite sickly, but I'll give it a good try anyway!
  2. Fallen Leaves. Fallen leaves, fallen leaves on the ground. Ten points to your house if you get the song reference. I can never resist dragging my feet through a big pile of gold, red and brown leaves. If I could get away with jumping into the pile I would. But as an adult? Not so socially acceptable!
  3. All the blankets. Autumn/Winter is the blankets time to shine. I have a huge collection of blankets/throws, and A/W is the time where I drag them all out of storage and surround myself with them day and night!
  4. Comfort food. I'm talking stews, dumplings, and all the roast dinners. In Autumn, I am all about that comfort food!
  5. Winter wear. Suddenly I can wear all my favourite hoodies, the coat I've had for ten years because I love it so damn much, and my adorable (in my opinion) bobble hat. And even though I have ten pairs of gloves, five scarves and three hats? I'll still be hitting up my local Primark for more!
  6. Cat cuddles. I always notice my cat seeks out my company more when the colder weather sets in. That probably has more to do with the amount of blankets I surround myself with whenever I'm at home. But I prefer to believe he seeks out my company more come Autumn!
  7. Slippers! I miss wearing slippers SO MUCH in Summer, when it's too hot to even wear clothes, let alone something on your feet. I have about a billion pairs of slippers/slipper socks/etc, so I like to rotate them through Autumn and Winter.
  8. All the good TV shows. Autumn sees most of my favourite TV shows make a comeback. Most notably? I'm A Celebrity. Don't judge me, it's a guilty pleasure! This year has seen some really good shows hit our telly box as Autumn rolled around, and I've now got loads to watch over the festive period!
  9. Halloween and Christmas. Of course, who could mention Autumn without thinking of the two biggest holidays of the season? I'm much more of a Halloween girl, but I do love the run-up to Christmas. Christmas shopping, wrapping, and all the Christmas movies. All become totally acceptable as soon as Autumn hits!
  10. Frosty mornings. I love waking up in the morning to a lovely, warm house. It's even nicer when I open the curtains to see frost covering the cars and roofs opposite my house. It looks magical, if cold, and I can enjoy it all the more for being in a nice, central heated house!
Hands up if you love Autumn, too!

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