Sunday, 15 April 2018

5 More Things I've Learnt From An Emotional Resilience Course!

If you haven't read the first post in this series, then let me just explain what this is all about. In January, I started on an Emotional Resilience Course with the NHS, aimed at helping people cope with anxiety and depression. I've learnt so much from this course, and decided to share what I learnt with you, here on my blog! I don't know how many of these posts there'll be after these two. Possibly one, or two, more. Like I said, I've learnt a lot. I highly recommend reading my first post, 5 Things I've Learnt From An Emotional Resilience Course, before you read this one. But it's okay if you choose not to, this one will work on it's own too!

1. Never underestimate the importance of a good night's sleep. Sleep has a massive impact on our mood, and a bad night's sleep can set us up for a bad day. Avoid caffeine after 4pm, don't eat a big meal before bed, don't look at your phone/tablet/computer in the hour before you plan to go to sleep. 

2. Be kind to yourself. We're all guilty of beating ourselves up; it's almost like a reflex, isn't it? Next time you find yourself berating yourself for something, check yourself. Remind yourself accidents happen, things go wrong, and you are not to blame. Counter your inner bully with a perfect nurturer (a kind, compassionate inner voice.)

3. Ground yourself. In my last post, I shared a mindfulness exercise. In this post, I want to share a grounding exercise that I find very useful when I'm in a panic-inducing situation. 


5 things you can see
4 things you can feel
3 things you can hear 
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste"

This exercise brings you back into the present moment and takes you out of the panic. 

4. Bad days are just that. When we're having a bad day, it can easy to spiral and feel like the world is coming to an end, and things will never get better. But bad days are just that. Days. They will pass, and you'll see a good day again. Remind yourself of that when you're having a bad day, and keep looking forward to that good day.

5. Help yourself. It can be really hard to seek help and put the effort in to getting that help and making it work. But no therapy/counselling/course will help if you aren't prepared to help yourself. Do the homework, engage in the discussion, commit to being open and honest. You'll get so much more out if you put all that in.

Do you struggle with anxiety and depression?

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