Sunday, 10 June 2018

June Goals!

Can't quite believe I'm writing this post to be honest. How on earth is it June already? I mean, January felt like it lasted about twelve months all on it's own. But the last four months? They've just flown by! With a new month comes a new batch of goals, but first let's take a look back at how I got on with my goals for May.

1. Get up half-an-hour earlier every day. Thanks to my husband, I've actually achieved this one. We're getting up half-an-hour earlier every weekday to have breakfast together and it's a really nice way to start the day, to be honest.

2. Practice mindfulness once a day. Pfft, yeah, that didn't happen. Look, I was never very good at homework when it came to school. And I'm not very good at homework when it comes to therapy. It's time to just accept that and move on.

3. Moisturise. The less said about this one the better. Seriously though, why do I find skincare so bloody difficult? 

4. Donate some of my old clothes to charity. I'm calling this one done because I did get rid of a load of old clothes, I just didn't give them to charity. Before you get all high and mighty on me, I sent them to landfill because a lot of them were stained/threadbare. 

5. Clear out under the bed. Another one bites the dust. Admittedly everything I cleared out from under the bed is currently stacked up in our spare room waiting to be moved into the attic. But it still counts!

3 out of 5 ain't bad...I say, every.single.month. I really need to try to do better! Let's see what goals I'm setting myself for June, and hope that I can knock it out of the park and complete all 5 goals this month. Optimistic? Me?

1. Get up an hour earlier. I paved the way for this goal last month, by getting up half-an-hour earlier, but this month I want to take it a step forward and get up an hour earlier every (week)day. 

2. Read before bed. Not every night. Some nights I'm just too damned tired to take anything in. But I'd like to get back in the habit of reading before bed. 

3. Start a new series on Netflix. I have so many shows I want to watch on Netflix. This month I'd like to start, and finish, Mindhunter after reading the book that sparked the series back in May!

4. Stick to a budget. I've been massively overspending recently, and my bank account and credit card balance are suffering. This month I want to stick to a weekly budget and not overspend!

5. Spring clean! I want to blitz the house this month and getting it looking good again. This will include dusting and cleaning skirtings, doors and door frames. And so on. I'm sure you all know what a spring clean entails!

Wish me luck!

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