Monday, 4 February 2019

February Goals!

Enough about my January goals. "But we haven't even started on your January goals," you might be thinking. You'd be right. But I don't want to talk about my January goals, because January was shit. A shit month. For motivation and mood and just everything. So let's call January a trial month. The real change starts now! So, with that in mind, here's a look at my goals for February.

1.Read before bed. I'm not going to kid myself and say I'll do this every night, because we all know that some nights I just won't. But on those nights where I get to bed a little earlier, or don't feel sleepy, I want to crack open a book and read a chapter or two. I'm currently rereading Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (Illustrated Edition) and I'm really enjoying it!

2. Buy zero books. I have a lot of books on pre-order from Amazon for the months ahead. But I want to curb my spending on books this year, starting now. 

3. Save some money. I'm not going to say how much. And I'm not going to beat myself up if some months I dip into my savings (when I have some, lol). But I'd like to have some money in reserve for emergencies, so that's a priority over the next few months.

4. #Dechox. I'm taking part in Dechox in February to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. No chocolate for 28 days. It's going to be hard, but should be a good kick-start to my dieting. Plus all the money raised goes to a good cause. Want to sponsor me? Here's the link.

5. Increase water consumption. Every month for the remainder of this year, my fifth and final goal for the month will be decided by YOU. Have a suggestion? Just leave it in the comments below! I'll credit you with your name and link to your blog, unless you choose to remain anonymous. This goal bought to you by Steph, who says I make her anxious with how little water I consume on a daily basis. So I'm making it my goal for February to increase my water consumption.

Wish me luck!

What are your goals for February? 

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