Monday, 20 May 2019

May Goals

Oof. It's my new favourite word. If it is even a word. I say it when something hasn't gone to plan, when I've walked into an inanimate object, or when life has thrown me a curveball. Which is far, far too often.

Oof, so. April happened. I wish I could say I smashed my goals for April. Especially as I've gone from five goals a month to three. It really shouldn't be that difficult, should it? And yet, it seems to be. That being said, I did achieve something in April. Read on to find out what...

1. Save some money. I was going to class this as a fail, but I've changed my mind. Because you know what? I saved £0.05 in April. And it might not seem like a lot. Okay, it isn't a lot, but it's a start. And even if that's all I manage to save till I've paid off my debts, it's better than nothing at all! 

2. Read, at least, ten books. I did read some books in April. But I didn't get anywhere near ten, because my Reading OCD kicked back in. It's totally destroying my passion for reading, but I have a plan. Check out my April Reading Wrap-Up//May TBR to see what that plan is!

3. Revamp my blog. I fell out of love with my blog when the Pipdig scandal came to life. I hated having a Pipdig theme on my blog, after everything they've done, but I just did not have the time or the money to change it. So I stepped back from blogging until I could. And April saw me buy a brand new blog theme, pay someone to install it for me, and fall back in love with blogging. Yay!

Hey, two out of three ain't bad. Also the name of a kick-ass Meat Loaf song. Go listen to it on YouTube right now. I'll wait. 

Okay, done with the tunes? Then read on to see what goals I'm working towards in May (which we're already nearly at the end of, so I'd better shake a leg!)

1. Read, at least, ten books. My new plan requires me to do a lot of reading, but it shouldn't be a chore and, in fact, it should be quite easy to achieve this goal. I may even surpass it, if all goes according to plan. Fingers crossed!

2. Complete a 10K walk. In May, I'm taking part in Chrohns and Colitis UK's WalkIT to raise money for the life-saving work of this charity. I've never done a charity walk before, and the furthest I've ever walked in one day is probably 5K. So 10K will be a challenge. But I know I can do it!

3. Get a haircut. You might think this sounds like a simple goal, but you'd be wrong. I struggle with salon environments, because anxiety, and the mobile hairdresser I've had in the past didn't do a very good job on my last two haircuts. So I need to find someone new, book in, and get a haircut. Whether I'll go radical with a bob for summer or just a trim and tidy-up remains to be seen!

Wish me luck!

What are your goals for May? 

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