3. Don't spend more than I earn. Hahahahahahahahahaha. That's all I have to say on this one.
But hey, as Meat Loaf himself said, two out of three ain't bad.
Moving on, here are my goals for July.
1. Start to, and stick with a diet. My weight has become a big issue, and when even your husband suggests you should lose some weight, you know you're going to have to. So this month I'm all about healthy eating and, when my broken ribs allow, exercise. And I want to carry that on going forwards for the rest of this year, and the next. Goodbye chocolate, crisps and takeaway. Hello fruit, yogurts and home-cooked meals.
2. Read, at least, one adult book. Reading children's books is definitely helping me overcome my reading OCD. But I really miss getting my teeth into a good book geared up for adults. And I have so many wonderful books to read, I'm honestly spoiled for choice. So this month I want to read at least one adult book.
3. Overcome my anxiety and make it to a family meal. My aunt has organised a belated Father's Day meal with my grandparents, and I've been invited. Usually Chris would come with me and it'd be hunky-dory. But it's been booked for a weekday, and he'll be at work, so I'm going to have to drive myself. Hopefully I can overcome my anxiety about the drive to a new place and enjoy the family meal.
Wish me luck!
What are your goals for July?
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