1. Start to, and stick with, a diet. I wouldn't say as I've stuck to a diet, but I have managed to lose some weight and I am eating better and eating more at home. It's not a win, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a step in the right direction at least.
3. Overcome my anxiety and make it to a family meal. A variety of factors made it impossible for me to attend, but my anxiety was one of them. Anxiety is winning more times than it's not this month and that's okay. Some months are better than others.
Now on, to August's goals...
1. Make a sizeable dent in my children's/YA TBR pile. My children's/YA TBR pile is getting slightly out of control, and I want to stop adding to it and start working through it this month.
2. Take some time off from my blog. I've been feeling very blah about my blog recently. Every time I logon and look at my stats, I just think "ugh." So I'm going to take some time off in August and come back feeling, hopefully, refreshed and renewed.
3. Make some plans for my birthday celebrations. It's my 29th birthday in September, and I want to do something fun with friends and family to celebrate. I'm not sure what it'll be yet, but I want to start planning it in August so there's plenty of time to let everyone know and get things in place.
Wish me luck!
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