Thursday, 9 July 2020

The Zoos are Back: How Things will Differ for Visitors Now! || Guest Post

When the coronavirus outbreak occurred, many places were forced to close. But now that things are slowly getting back to normal, you and your family can visit zoos as of the 15th June providing that they can uphold social distancing rules.

You no longer have to partake in a simple Zoom call or virtual tour, now you can actually go and visit some of the places that you’ve been dreaming of going these past few months.

After being stuck at home for what seems like an incredibly long time, most outdoor attractions are opening their doors. The good news is that these places are large enough that social distancing shouldn’t be too difficult. But there will be rules in place, and it’s important that you know how to behave and what safety precautions you need to follow whilst out and about.

Everybody wants things to go back to normal, but let’s make sure that we still follow the government guidelines to avoid spreading the virus, as nobody wants a second wave. So, what are these new safety precautions and how will they affect your day out?

Limited Amounts of People

Not that this should come as a surprise to anyone, but zoos will be limiting the amount of people that are allowed to visit. This makes perfect sense, as it means less chance of people getting too close to one another and you won’t have to be as worried about catching something.

You will probably find that many places will tell you if they have any spaces left by posting updates on their website. This will help prevent any unnecessary travel and queuing. Don’t travel to a zoo unless you have a ticket, you will find that you won’t be able to enter.

Time Slots

In order to get a ticket though, you will have to pick a time slot. If you get a time slot, then it is really important that you stick to it. This will help regulate the flow of visitors and minimise queues at the entrance. If you don’t get a time slot, you will not be able to enter, and if you miss your time slot then this could also be an issue.

You will have to book ahead of time, and you might find that you have to be on the ball when it comes to booking tickets as they are purchased quickly. If you can try and pick a day that wouldn’t be typically busy. Obviously, the weekends will be busy. But if that is the only time that you have off, then make sure you are online when they release the time slots. First come, first served is pretty much how it works.

Keep Your Distance, Stay Outside

Before any zoo can reopen, they will have to make sure that they have social distancing measures in place. Zoos should have two metre floor markings at enclosures and queues. There should also be one-way routes on narrow paths. This is the requirement at the moment, so you should expect this at any zoo that you visit. However, things might change, so make sure you keep up to date with the news.

You might also find that it is only the outdoor enclosures that are open to the public. It’s a lot safer for people when they are outside, as there is less chance of catching the virus. There will be no animal talks, touch tables, train services or public animal feeds. What's more, visitor experiences - such as feeding the animals - will be put on hold to protect staff, visitors and the animals.

Wash Your Hands

This is an obvious point, but in order to slow down the spread of the virus washing your hands should be your top priority. You won’t always have access to a sink, but zoos are required to have extra hand sanitising stations around the premises so this should be able to help you out with this. An important thing to note though, is that you should be washing your hands before and after you go to the toilet, which is something that many people aren’t aware of.

Try to wash your hands every hour as well, particularly if you touch railings, doors or things that other people will have touched. This will help to slow the transmission of the virus down. It is incredibly important that you make sure to wash your hands before you eat though, as you are putting your hand to mouth, and also if you pass condiments to family members.

Stick to the Rules

Although there are a few new rules that have been put in place to keep us safe, you can still have fun whilst you are out. Just remember that even though lockdown rules are being eased, you still need to be extremely vigilant and follow the rules. It might be a pain, but they are there for your safety, and the safety of others.

Just remember that we are one day closer to all of this being over. It might be taking a long time, but at least we are now allowed out of the house and can visit places. It’s been tough for a lot of people but we’re going in the right direction, and hopefully soon we won’t have to worry about keep our distance. But for now, everyone please stay safe. Go and enjoy yourself at the zoo but keep your distance and wash your hands!

Author: Isobel Walster

Isobel blogs over at detailing her visits to historical houses, castles and general day trips. Isobel also loves books and films; give her a historical romance and it would be an afternoon well spent. When it comes to her days off work though, you can find Isobel outside and exploring as many places as she can with her partner!

1 comment :

  1. Toronto's zoo has very similar rules! Good post.
