Monday, 15 June 2015

Nail Polish Addict

I wasn't particularly a 'girly-girl' when I was a teenager. I wasn't interested in make-up or nail polish. But something changed when I left my teens and entered my twenties, and I began to amass quite a collection. For reasons I can't quite explain, after gathering a collection of 20-30 different colours, brands, etc, I gave the lot to charity. Don't ask me what I was thinking; I still don't know!
In the last year or so, though, I have begun my collection anew and the above picture shows what I've got so far. I've got quite a varied collection; polishes that came free with magazines like Glamour and Cosmo, polishes I won in an auction, polishes bought for me by family and friends. Brands range from Miss Sporty, to Next, to River Island. Even Poundland! Nowadays, I buy a lot of my nail polishes from Avon. They have such a wide variety of colours. I particularly like their 'gel finish' effect polishes; and their 'magnetic attraction' polishes are unique and innovative. I started my Avon nail polish collection with a dark blue 'magnetic attraction' nail polish and wand.

I don't think I'm particularly good at painting my nails. I've read all the tips; base coat, two coats of polish, top coat, but I still can't make it look as though I've just come from the salon. And so, not that long ago, I started using false nails instead of polish. The ones that come pre-glued are so easy; pick the right size, apply to nail, press on firmly and voila. And my efforts at applying false nails look far better than my efforts at painting my nails! But false nails are expensive; more expensive than polishes when you consider how long a pot of nail polish lasts for. The most I've paid for nail polish is around the £4 mark, in River Island. The false nails I use cost £8 for a pack that lasts a month...So I've recently ditched the false nails, for how long remains to be seen, and am painting my nails different colours every few days. I'm very particular; the slightest chip and I'll repaint the whole nail. But, I think, chipped polish looks cheap, and tacky. I can't stand it! Which is unfortunate, as a fresh coat of polish seems to last a day on my nails before it starts to chip!

Even if I go back to the falsies eventually, you'll not stop me buying more nail polishes than I know what to do with. The way things are going, I could have a different colour every day of the week. If things continue, I could have a different colour every day of the month! And hey, if you've got any tips or tricks for a perfect looking manicure, I'd love to hear them! Leave me a comment!

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