Sunday 4 October 2015

Read In September

September has proved to be the worst month this year for me, in terms of reading that is! I've managed a grand total of three books this month. Shocking. 

I knew I'd set the bar a little high at the start of the month, when I decided I'd attempt to read not my usual four, but six. I'd hoped, though, that I'd at least read four. 

But in between birthday shenanigans and days out with the other half, I've not had much time for reading. And when I do have the time? I find myself watching Criminal Minds instead! 

October, I promise myself, will be different. I'm aiming for five books this month, and I've already started the first. I'll be sharing my October reads with you next week, but today I'll let you in on what I thought of the three books I read in September...

I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak

I never expected to like this book, as I so loathed Zusak's bestseller, "The Book Thief." But "I Am The Messenger" could not have been more different, and had this one been the bestseller, I'd have seen what all the fuss was about. A uniquely original idea is what makes this book stand out from so many other thrillers/mysteries. That and a fantastic line-up of characters to keep you laughing at and rooting for throughout. A brilliant book to start the month (even though I'd planned to read it in August...oops!)


The Girl In The Spider's Web by David Lagercrantz

I had my reservations about this one. It's always risky, a new author continuing another's work. Sometimes, they pull it off. Other times, it just crashes and burns. This, though, was the former. If I hadn't known the book was by Lagercrantz, I'd have sworn blind it was Larsson's. "The Girl In The Spider's Web" is just as gripping, tense and exciting as previous books in the Millennium series, and I loved every, fast-paced minute of it. I'm already looking forward to reading it again, in fact! 


The Pocket Wife by Susan Crawford

I love it when I pick up a book on a whim and it turns out be one of the best I've read all year. Which is exactly what happened with this one! I'd never heard of the author before, but after reading the blurb, felt that it was a book I'd probably enjoy. And if I didn't, I was sure my grandma would. But I needn't have worried. This was fantastic; fast-paced, explosive, action-packed. An intense and gripping psychological thriller, with a strong female lead, similar, in fact, to "The Girl On The Train."  Not a bad book to end the month on, I'd say!

Have you read any of the above? Or are you inclined to now? If you did, or do, please let me know your thoughts!


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