Wednesday 27 January 2016

January Faves

You guys...we've (almost) made it through the first month of 2016! I don't know about you, but Christmas and New Year seem like distant memories now, and I'm sure January has lasted twice as long as it usually does. Just me? Okay...The end of the month can mean only one thing though; it's time for a favourites post. So here's what I've been loving this month!

Perhaps not surprisingly, my favourite book this month was the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone!

I've been trying out a lot of Lush bath bombs recently, but my favourite so far is definitely the Frozen bath bomb! It's so glittery and blue!

I'm on a diet at the moment; new year, new me (ugh!) But on cheat day, I had this delicious cookie dough cheesecake, and it's safe to say I've found my new, favourite pudding! 

Definitely my favourite delivery this month was a little box of polaroid pictures from Cheerz! Unsurprisingly, they're mostly all of my cat! But they certainly look good on my bedroom wall, don't they?!

In the Boots sale, I picked up a Fat Face gift set; toiletry bag, lip balm, and body spritz. I usually use So...? body spray, but I've found a new favourite. This spray smells amazing! 

This is currently my favourite nail polish. You'll be able to see more of it in my "Nail Polish of the Month" post in February! 

So, that's what I've been loving this month; what have you been loving? Have you written a "Favourites" post? Leave me a link in the comments. I love reading your posts! 

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