Thursday 7 January 2016

January TBR//2016 Reading Challenge

Happy new year, readers! The first full week of January is coming to an end, and soon we'll have forgotten all about Christmas and New Year! Soon we'll be moaning about how fast the months are flying by as we prepare for next Christmas! But wait, I'm getting ahead of myself as usual. This month's "What I'm Reading" post is a little different, because I'll be letting you in on my reading challenge for 2016, too! And if you're on GoodReads, add me as a friend to follow my progress!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling.

Not my first time reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, but my first time reading the new, illustrated edition; and I'm so excited! 

Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King

I picked this up in a supermarket for £6.99! Bargain. I love Stephen King, and this is a collection of his short stories; some old, some new.

Imperium by Robert Harris

Some of you may remember the collaboration I've been doing with Sarah; Aimee and Sarah's Book Swap? Imperium is the second book I'll be reading for this collaboration! 

Mother, Mother by Koren Zailckas 

A Christmas present from one of my best friends, who knows me so well! When I saw she had Mother, Mother on her to-read pile, I told her she had to send it to me when she'd read it. Instead, she bought me a copy off Amazon for Christmas! Sweet <3

May The Thoughts Be With You by Charlotte Reed

This month's book are all a little different to what I usually read! A collection of short stories, the illustrated edition of Harry Potter, and now this. May The Thoughts Be With You was a book included in the BuddyBox I reviewed last year. It's taken me a while to sit down and read it from cover to cover, but I have. (I actually read, and finished, this book two days ago!)

Blood Games by Richard Laymon

Blood Games is my 'bus book.' Okay, so you might be wondering what a bus book even is. Let me tell you. As part of my resolution to read more this year, I'm going to start reading on the bus, waiting in the doctor's surgery, and anywhere else I could be reading, instead of refreshing Facebook/Twitter/Instagram! But I find it hard to read in public places, with lots going on around me.  Please don't tell me I'm the only one?! So instead of reading the books I'm super excited about, and want to really get lost in (like Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), I'm reading charity shop finds that I wouldn't usually read because

a) I don't mind giving them only half my attention and
b) I might discover a new favourite author!

So, do you think I'm weird yet? Maybe I am, but I'm hoping the more I read in public places, the better I'll get at tuning out the background noise! Until then, I'll stick with my charity shop finds!

2016 Reading Challenge

2016 Reading Challenge

2016 Reading Challenge
Aimee has read 1 book toward her goal of 60 books.

This year, I've set myself the same challenge as last year; to read 60 books in 2016! You might be wondering why I set myself the same challenge; why not more, why not less? Last year, I came so close to reaching my goal of 60. I read 57 of 60. I'll let that sink in for a minute...To say I was frustrated to have come so close would be an understatement. And I did consider lowering my goal for 2016. But I came so close in 2015, I know I can make it to 60 this year. And I've started the year well; having read one book already, GoodReads tells me I'm "one book ahead of schedule." Yay!

Have you read any of the books on my to-read pile for January? What do you think of the Harry Potter illustrated edition? Let me know in the comments!

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