It's the last day of February, which must mean it's time for my February Faves! I could go on about how this month has just flown by; and how fast this year is going. But that's all I seem to be saying recently. So without further preamble, these are a few of my favourite things (this month!)
This month saw the release of the new Quick Reads titles, and I was quick to snap up a few of them. Definitely my favourite purchase of the month! And because I preordered these books at the end of January, I didn't technically break my February book buying ban, right?!
There are so many yummy chocolates out for Easter at the moment. The Lindt Lindor eggs are my favourites right now, though!
Out of the few books I've read this month, "Lustrum" by Robert Harris is definitely my favourite (and I haven't even finished it yet!)
I bought this cute mug from Primark to use at the office. It's definitely my favourite mug, for now!
My favourite Lush bath bomb this month? The Experimenter. Look how beautifully green it turned my bath!

My favourite album this month is Panic at the Disco's "Death of a Bachelor." Haven't heard it? Check it out. You won't regret it!
So, that's what I've been loving this month. What are your February Faves? And what are you looking forward to in March?
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