February is over! And even with an extra day, it didn't seem to last long. 2016 is just whizzing by! With a new month, comes new goals. But first, a quick recap of February's goals, and how I got on...
1. Get my 5 a day! Whilst this didn't happen every day in February, it did happen more in February than in previous months, so I'm counting this as a success.
2. Drink more water! I'm still not drinking enough, but I am drinking more. So...success!
3. Read 5 books this month! Eurgh. Massive, massive failure. More about that in Wednesday's blog post, though...
4. Stop spending money! I put myself on a books and bags spending ban, and I did really well. I only spent about £3.99 on books, and £0 on bags. Definite success!
5. Watch less television! I spent most of my time in February playing Far Cry Primal. What? It's not technically watching TV, is it?! Success!
4 out of 5. I'm really pleased with that. In fact, I think February has been the most successful month of all, so far!
And now for this month's goals...
1. Reach 300 Instagram followers, and 600 Twitter followers! I'm currently at 273 on Instagram, and 581 on Twitter, so this is totally doable! If you don't already follow me and you like my photos/tweets, give me a follow on Instagram and Twitter!
2. Start exercising.
3. Lose a few pounds. Somewhere between 2 and 4 will be just fine for this month!
4. Book my first driving lesson! This month, I'm going to start learning to drive!
5. Get a haircut. This is going to depend on finances, but I've not had a haircut (not even a trim!) in well over a year. I'm definitely overdue!
So those are my goals for March! What are yours? If you've written a March Goals post, please leave me a link so I can have a read!
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