Tuesday 12 April 2016

A Present From The Easter Bunny* || With Custom Cookie Co

So, you might be reading the title of this blog post and thinking "huh? But Easter was like, 2 weeks ago!" And you wouldn't be wrong. Because Easter was like, 2 weeks ago, but I'm still enjoying these delicious Easter cookies from Custom Cookie Co and it would be criminal not to share them with you. I mean, share my review with you. I'm not sharing my cookies with you. Find your own cookies...!

The lovely people at Custom Cookie Co are, well, a company that create all kinds of cookies and biscuits. I mean, duh, right? As well as the cookies on their website, which are all so yummy yummy looking, Custom Cookie Co offer personalised cookies. And every month they have a new themed box. This month, for example? Why it's Her Majesty, The Queen in celebration of her birthday later this month, of course! (Imagine that said in a VERY British accent.)

I was sent the Medium Easter Cookie gift box, just a few days before the Easter bank holiday weekend actually; so it was fortuitous timing! And let me tell you, these cookies make amazing gifts! I mean, obviously my Easter cookies came from the Easter Bunny. But don't let that stop you. Easter, Christmas, Valentines Day....basically all the events, plus birthdays and anniversaries. Any excuse to eat cookies, right? The gift boxes are so gorgeously packaged. Once you open the box, which you can see above, you're greeted with a few layers of paper-ish, packaging stuff and then....COOKIES!

When I finally got to the cookies, I was in awe. That probably sounds silly, right? In awe of cookies?! But seriously, look at how exquisitely designed each cookie is. (And how cute each cookie is. Especially that bunny wabbit! I saved him for last *evil laugh*!) That is some serious talent. I almost didn't want to eat them. Almost. After snapping a few pictures, I grabbed a cup of tea and quickly began stuffing my face. I don't normally share food, but this medium gift box contained a lot of cookies, so I let my boyfriend have two. What?! Two's enough....the rest were all mine!

As I mentioned at the start of this blog post, I've only just finished eating this box of cookies. And already, I want another one! I've actually toyed with the idea of ordering some personalised cookies; with my blog name/logo/things associated with my blog as the theme. That's the joy of personalised cookies; the only limit is your imagination! But, back to the here and now; I've just finished eating the cookies. What did I think of them?

There was a mixed selection in this gift box. It seemed to me that there were a few chocolatey biscuits/cookies, a few plain, and the majority ginger. Which suited me fine, as I really love a gingerbread man, or ginger nut! The texture was a little different to what I expected; firmer, and a bit crumblier than I would expect from a cookie. But more in line with what I would expect from a biscuit. But by no means was this a bad thing. It didn't detract from the taste; which was divine. I have been enjoying these biccies with a cup of tea most days; just one or two at a time. They last longer that way! Because I know as soon as they run out (which they have now; eek!) that I'll want to buy more.

I don't know if you think like me, but when I heard my cookies would come in the post (because, well how else would they come? Flown in on a private helicopter, to be placed gently on my doorstep atop a cushion? What?! I can dream, can't I?!) I was a little concerned. I know from past experiences that putting FRAGILE on a package doesn't always guarantee its safe arrival (sorry, RM, but it's true.) But I needn't have feared. When I opened the box, all the cookies were intact; not a mark on them in fact! Especially a relief if you were planning on sending these as a gift; a box of broken cookies is not, in fact, a good gift!

I always worry I'm no good at writing foody type posts/reviews. Like, today, I feel like I rambled on about the packaging too much when, really, the cookies should have been the centre of attention. Did I let the packaging steal the show? I hope not! But how do I review a cookie? I've already told you that they taste amazing. That I've been eking them out; desperate not to finish them and be without them in my life anymore *sob*! How much more can I say to convince you that the Easter Bunny (read: Custom Cookie Co) done good? Well, I guess you could find out for yourself? Hop on over (geddit? Hah!) to their website now and place yourself a little order. In a few days time, a yummy yummy parcel will be landing on your doorstep and I'll be super jealous! Oh, and you'll get to find out why I'm making such a fuss about Custom Cookie Co for yourself. Enjoy!

If you do order something from Custom Cookie Co, I'd love to see what you went for. Tag me in your photos on Instagram; @aimeeraindrop! 

* Massive thanks to Custom Cookie Co, who gifted me this gift box in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own. I will never blog about something I hate.

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