Tuesday 26 April 2016

Life: April Update

I don't want to alarm you guys, but it's the end of April. The. End. Of. April. Like, in 5 days we'll be entering May. And I don't know how that has even happened. I feel like shouting; "Come back, 2016! I wasn't ready for you." Anyone else?!

Since it's the last week of April *gulp* I thought I'd update you all on what I've been up to this month. Let's dive right in, shall we?!


- I went to the zoo! And got really up close and personal with a giraffe. I'll be doing a blog post all about my trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park soon!


- I was lucky enough to be sent an ARC of The Swimming Pool by Louise Candlish. I've been really enjoying reading it, and my review will go up on my blog next week! 


- I had the most delicious 3 course meal at Bella Italia on a trip to Cheltenham a few weeks back! This was starters; baked mushrooms in a creamy mascarpone, garlic and spinach sauce topped with mozzarella and served with ciabatta.

Listening to

Black Vinyl Disc Player

- Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots is totally my jam right now.


- I'm really late to the party with this one, but I've finally started watching Pretty Little Liars! I've nearly finished Season 2, and I'm cursing myself for not watching it sooner. It's so good!


- The cutest stickers ever! 


- My bullet journal. It has saved my life, no word of a lie. (Would you be interested in a blog post about my bullet journal, by the way?!) 

And that's it - that's what I got up to this month. I'll admit, it looks like April has been a quiet month for me. But it's more a case of, April was not a very photogenic month. Lots of driving lessons, theory test revision, car repairs etc. Hopefully May (BLOODY MAY?!) will be more interesting! 

What have you been up to this month? 

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