Friday 1 April 2016

Life: March Update!

I'm going to start this post off by saying...March was officially THE best month of 2016 (so far. Let's see you beat it, all the other months!) And now you'll find out why! (Ooh, cryptic!)


- I BOUGHT A CAR!!!!!! ((there are not enough exclamation points in the world to accurately portray my excitement over this!) Yes, March is officially the best month of 2016 because it's the month I became a car owner! 

And my smile on the day I bought it home said it all! I'm thinking of doing a separate blog post about my car, and maybe my learning to drive experiences. Thoughts? 


- Learning to drive! Yep, I may have bought a car but I don't actually have my licence yet. I started driving lessons 3(ish) years ago when I had my first job outta uni. When I was made redundant, I had to stop the lessons, but now I'm back in employment I'm back on the roads! And having my own car means a) I'm getting the hours in outside of my lessons, and b) I'm ready to go once I've passed my test!

- Experimenting with Lush bubble bars. This month's favourite? The Comforter! 


- More HP pj's?! Yep. I just can't get enough! And Primark are currently stocking the most awesome range of HP clothing! 


- How badly do you want this mug?! As soon as I saw it (in Clinton's, BTW) I knew I had to have it. It's now my favourite mug. I rarely use another. I legit cry when this one's in the dishwasher. *plays world's smallest violin*


- More gifts from friends?! I'm so lucky; I have the best friends a girl could ask for. These are My Blue Nose Friends (which I collect) magnetic bookmarks. I have NO idea where she got them, because I've never seen them before, but they are so cute. Too cute, in fact. They're on my bookshelf at the moment, because I don't want to use them! 

- And this was a surprise Easter gift from a work friend, who remembered how much I love Golden Eggs! Isn't the mug adorable?!

So there you have it. My, freakin' awesome, month! How was yours? What did you get up to in March, and what are you looking forward to in April? 

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