Tuesday 21 June 2016

Read In May//June TBR

Guess who's back...back again? Aimee's back. Tell a friend. Or don't. Whatever. Did you miss me? I took a, totally unplanned but well needed, blogging break for a week or so. When that dreaded blogger's block hits, sometimes all you can do is take a step back. Which is what I did. But now I'm back, with lots of exciting new posts in the pipeline, too! Today, I'm coming at you with my May reading wrap-up, and the books I'm reading in June. Let's dive right in, shall we?

Jump by Michel Sauret

I didn't know what to expect when I received this book to read and review. Knowing it dealt with religious extremism was about the extent of my knowledge. I'd never read anything like this, in terms of content, and I had no idea if I'd like it or not. But *spoiler alert* I loved it. It left me feeling breathless and giddy, exhilarated and drained, all at once. Now that's the sign of  a good book, if you ask me! You can read my full review here

Rating: ****

All The Missing Girls by Megan Miranda

I have a full review of this book coming up on the blog this weekend, so keep your eyes peeled for that! 

Rating: ****

Chronicles of the Steam Alliance: Book I by Tim & Kathy Hunt

I have two lovely friends who just so happen to be very talented authors. I've been lucky enough to read all of their books before their release...I'm basically their guinea-pig! Chronicles of the Steam Alliance is their first foray into the children's fiction genre, and I think they've done pretty well if this book is anything to go by! Full review here.

Rating: ****

Calm by Michael Acton Smith

This isn't really a book you read from start to finish...but I did. I'm planning on dipping in and out of this, and trying my hand at some of the mindfulness exercises, in the coming months though! This is such a gorgeous, stunning, beautiful book that, I'm sure, you've already heard lots about from other bloggers!

Rating: *****

And since we're well into June, you're probably thinking I've read most of these, right? Wrong. I am in such a bad reading slump right now, guys, and I don't know how to get myself out of it. Please leave me your advice! I need help. Badly. 

What's even worse (is there anything worse than not having read anything* this month?!) is that I've been waiting so eagerly for the bottom two; The City of Mirrors by Justin Cronin, and The Girls by Emma Cline.

*Okay, so it's not like I haven't read anything at all. I read a sampler of Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor earlier this month. And I have been listening to an audiobook; The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand. But that's pretty poor show for someone who claims to be a bookworm. I'm sorry, guys. Do I have to relinquish my bookworm title now?!

What are you currently reading? 

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