Sunday 31 July 2016

July Faves

I can't believe I'm writing this post. That it's the end of July already is just inconceivable, to be honest. Can someone slow time down? I'm not ready for it be to August yet! July was pretty decent to me. It saw us start our wedding planning (there'll be a wedding blog post coming your way in a week or two!) and we had a few lovely weekends in the sun! All in all, not too shabby. So, of course, there are a few favourites to share with you today. Yay! Let's dive right in, shall we?

Favourite Photo

Aww. He thinks he's helping with the ironing. But he's really not...

Favourite Purchase

I've been doing a lot of shopping recently (oops?), but it was super easy to choose my favourite purchase in July. This adorable wedding countdown plaque now has pride of place above our fireplace!

Favourite Beauty Product

I am absolutely loving this Friction Free Shaving razor! I wrote a full review of the product here.

Favourite Finds

Ooh, a new category! The favourite thing I've found this month has got to be the Donut Peach. Who even knew they were a thing? I can't get enough! 

Favourite Mail

I love getting happy mail! And this month I received this adorable note card from the lovely Llinos. How cute is it? Pandas!

Favourite Book

I've not actually finished reading this book yet, but this is definitely my favourite read of the month. Maybe even the year. I'm so sad that one of my favourite series is ending, but I'm excited for the rest of this book!

That's what I've been loving this month. What have you loved in July? Let me know in the comments! 

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