Wednesday 3 August 2016

Life in July//August Goals

autumn, autumn colours, autumn leaves

Today's post is a little bit of a duet. It may have escaped your notice, but I didn't actually set myself any goals for July. Which means, I don't exactly have a lot to report back on. And since I seem to have, once again, not taken enough photos in July, I decided to combine the two blog posts (just for this month!) to make for more interesting reading. Which will

July was another of those rather hectic months. They all seem to be recently though. And August isn't shaping up to be any quieter! It was a great month though. Here's a few highlights;

- New phone! I finally got my hands on the iPhone 6S in the most beautiful rose gold colour!

- Wedding plans! This month, we decided on a provisional wedding date. Provisional because we're currently in the process of viewing venues, and we'll set an exact date when we've settled on one! It looks like we'll be getting married in around 13 months though (September 2017!) 

- Tewkesbury Medieval Festival! We finally made it to the Medieval Festival this year but, to be honest, it wasn't worth the hype.

- Celebrated my mum's birthday! It was my mum's birthday this month, and we celebrated with tea and presents in the garden, and a lovely meal out!

-Welland Steam Rally! My fiancĂ© and I go to this every year, with his parents. It's a lot of walking (I clocked over 11,000 steps!) but it's a fantastic day out. Even if we did all forget to bring sun cream! 

- School friends! The last day of the month, I had a visit from one of my school friends (and her husband, and dog!) It was a lovely day; catching up over a pub lunch. A lovely way to end the month!

arm, desk, hand

So what do I have planned for August, you might ask! Quite a lot, I might reply...

- Venue viewings! We have appointments to view our favourite (on paper) venues in the flesh, and find out what dates they have available for 2017, spread out over the month of August! 

- Birthdays! It's my godfather's birthday this month, as well as my future mother-in-law's. 

- Holidays! What I mean by that is; one day of holiday, and one bank holiday. But still, two days off in August. Woo!

- Meals with friends! There's a few people we need to catch up with this month!

So now you're all caught up with what has been going on in my life, and what's coming up, let's check out my goals for this month!

1. Eat healthier. With my wedding in just over a year, it's even more important that I lose some weight. 

2. Join the gym. Going hand-in-hand with the above goal, I'm hoping to join the gym this month. If I manage this, I'll set myself another gym related goal in September! 

3. Read before bed every night. Okay, it's not going to happen every night, let's be realistic. After all, some nights I have so much to do I don't get into bed till midnight! But if I can read before bed most nights, I'll be happy.

4. Use my Happiness Planner. About a month ago now, maybe more, The Happiness Planner arrived at my door. And I still haven't even set it up. This month, I plan to use it every week to help me feel happier and more grateful!

5. Decide on a wedding venue. With only 13 months to go before our ideal wedding date, it's vital that we view all the venues and make a decision on which one we want to get married in this month! 

What did you get up to in July? What are you looking forward to in August? 

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