Monday 18 July 2016

Learning To Drive!*

*This is a collaborative post*

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll know that I've been learning to drive for a few months now. And with a bit of luck, I'll be a fully qualified driver in time for my birthday in September! So I thought now was as good a time as any to talk to you about my experience of learning to drive.

I was so sure that I was going to be a nervous wreck behind the wheel. I suffer with anxiety in nearly every other area of my life; so why would driving be any different?! The night before, I checked and rechecked that I had the documents I needed for my first lesson, and debated over the best shoes to wear (hah!) But as soon as I got behind the wheel the next morning? Well, I felt okay. I was not confident. Who is on their first lesson?! But I wasn't anxious. And with each lesson my confidence grew.

I was one of the lucky ones; I bought my first car after just two driving lessons. After a few more lessons, I started to venture out alone (read: with my other half in the passenger seat). I honestly believe that the hours I spent behind the wheel outside of lessons helped me grow my confidence and improve my skills. I know not everyone is lucky enough to get their own car so soon, but if you can, do it!

It's so important to find the right instructor for you. Don't be afraid to tell them it's not working out and find someone else; it's better to change early on than suffer in silence! After all, you're going to be spending a lot of time in the car with them. I am sure the reason I've progressed so well is due, in large part, to my instructor.

I'm not going to lie to you, learning to drive is hard. There's a lot of new information to take onboard, and it's like nothing you'll have ever done before. But honestly, learning to drive is incredibly freeing. That sense of independence you get as soon as you're behind the wheel (even if you do have your instructor/partner/parent beside you) is like no other. And once you start, you won't stop!

I'm itching to get out and about in my car on my own now. Only a few more lessons to go, and I'll hopefully have that 'pass.' I only wish I'd learnt to drive sooner! If you're considering lessons, or you're already learning, visit BookLearnPass. With driving test tips, theory test practice, and the opportunity to book driving lessons with a local instructor, this site is a goldmine! I'll definitely be using it in the run-up to my practical to help me ace my test. Wish me luck!

What are your own experiences of learning to drive?

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