Friday 1 July 2016

Life in June!

Well, June just flew by, didn't it? I feel like it was only yesterday I was writing this blog post for May; talking about my engagement, and my blogging birthday. And in comparison to May, June has been a very uneventful month!

Last month, I wrote a very chatty post, didn't I? Turns out, I quite like that format of post; less showy, more talky. So I'm changing up these posts, starting with this one! I hope you like the new format and enjoy this little look into my life in June.

Doing: June has been a busy month! I passed my theory test; attended my best friend's wedding; started swimming again; saw a show at my local theatre; voted in the EU referendum; and had lunch with my godfather and his wife. Phew. I'm exhausted reading all that! Every weekend in June was booked up, and July is looking much the same.

Loving: Okay, so this is really more of a lusting after than a loving but...I really, really want the iPhone 6S! I've only had my Samsung Galaxy S6 for about six months, so it's really bad that I want to change my phone again. But I do. I'm totally going to have to buy out of my current contract and start a new one if I want to get my hands on the iPhone 6S (in rose gold, obvs) and I'm going to use the UK Mobile Network Guide to make sure I'm getting a good deal on my next phone contract. This site has impartial reviews of UK mobile networks, as well as up-to-date industry news, so I should be pretty well informed!

Watching: I'm on Season 3 of Pretty Little Liars, guys! I'm so in love with this show; I just wish I had more time to watch it! I've also been watching Criminal Minds (Season 11); which is finally airing on Sky Living! As I said above, I went to see a show at my local theatre in June. The show was a Jersey Boys tribute act, and it was ah-mazing! 

Listening to: Oh my gosh, guys. I'm on a massive acapella kick at the moment. I've been rewatching Pitch Perfect (1 & 2), and listening to the soundtrack on repeat. I've also discovered an acapella band called Pentatonix. To be honest, their albums are pretty much all I've been listening to these last few weeks!

Reading: Ugh. I have definitely not been reading enough this month! I've been listening to an audiobook, The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand, which is coming to an end. I've already picked my next audiobook, and I'm excited to get stuck into that. I started reading You, by Caroline Kepnes, at the end of June. Everyone is raving about it at the moment; and it's just as good as it is hyped up to be. I've already bought the sequel! I've got lots of exciting new books in my July TBR, so hopefully I will be getting my read on!

Buying: I bought these adorable stickers from Dorkface! I love scheduling some self-care time in my diary with these. I also picked up The Girls, by Emma Cline, and The City of Mirrors, by Justin Cronin; I'm so looking forward to reading these two! 

Photo taken from Dorkface's Etsy store

And that's about it for June! Hello July, right? 4 weekends out of 5 in July are already booked; so I'm sure I'll have lots to write about next month!

What did you get up to in June? What was the highlight of your month?

*This post contains paid-for links. You can find my disclaimer here.

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