Wednesday 31 August 2016

Life: August Update!

I wasn't going to write this post, to be honest, because of a complete lack of photos that haven't already been included in previous posts. I didn't want to just regurgitate pictures and words you'd already seen/read before! But then I decided; I like doing these little end-of-the-month summaries, and I think you like reading them (I hope you do, anyway!) And so I'm going to approach this post in a slightly different manner to usual. No images. Just words. Let's go!

Doing: August was a relatively quiet month for us. The calm before the storm, you could say, as September is gearing up to be busy, busy, busy! In August, we went to see Pete's Dragon (which is nothing like the original, by the way!) and had a look at some wedding venues (which I'll talk more about in my first wedding blog post, coming soon!) We also had some birthdays to celebrate and a bank holiday; yay!

Reading: As you'll find out later this week, I've done really well with reading this month. I've read a grand total of four books which, to some of you, may not sound like a lot but considering I've been in a three month (or more) reading slump, four is pretty damn good! I also read Harry Potter and The Cursed Child this month and I loved it!

Watching: You guys, I'm so behind on Pretty Little Liars. Please, someone, make some more hours in the day for me to watch more episodes please?! I'm currently nearing the end of Season 4 buuuut it's starting to feel a little drawn out already, and I have 2 more seasons to go, so that's not good...

Listening to: Two songs I have been absolutely loving this month? Charlie Puth's "We Don't Talk Anymore" and Shawn Mendes' "Treat You Better." You better believe I have got those two on repeat right now!

Eating: This month, I tried my first Bill's. I opted for a Chicken Caesar Salad and damn, if it wasn't the nicest thing I've ever tasted. They also do divine milkshakes. But nowhere beats Ed's Diner for milkshakes. If you love Nutella (which, let's face it, who doesn't?!) you have got to find your nearest Ed's and grab a Nutella milkshake. They give you a proper big jug of it, too! Yum.

Buying: This month I treated myself to the Ban.Do "I Am Very Busy" 2016-2017 agenda that I have been lusting after for nearly a year. I finally found it in the UK (on Asos, of all places!) and immediately placed my order. The next day it arrived, and it hasn't left my side since!

Blogging about: I'm finally catching up with my review posts. I had a huge backlog, and I still owe a few (which I'm hoping to get through this month!), but I managed to bang out quite a few in August. Some of my faves are; Purrfect Post (written 'by' my cat, Harley!) and Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String!

Looking forward to: As I said above, September is gearing up to be super busy. It's my birthday month (yay!) and I'll be celebrating with a trip to London with my fiancé, and a meal with family and friends. We also have a wedding fair, and a meal out with old friends planned to look forward to. So there's lots going on!

And that wraps up another month. 2016, why you so fast?!
What's been going on in your life lately?

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