Monday 5 September 2016

September Goals!

Orange Leaf on White Surface

I can't believe I'm writing this post; seriously, where did August disappear off to?! And how are we already 5 days into September?! It's my birthday a week tomorrow, and I swear I feel like if I blink, I'll miss it! That's how fast this year has gone, after all. August was a bit of a write-off, in more ways than one really, and so I'm not going to revisit my August goals and let you all know how I did because the truth is; I did awful. So instead, I'm brushing August off and starting fresh for September. I have a positive attitude and lots of motivation, and so I'm confident I'll do really well with my five goals this month. Let's take a look at what those goals are...

1. Read one book a week. I had been stuck in a reading slump for a few months before August, but something changed in August and I read four books that month. I'd like to continue that theme into September, and read at least one book a week. I'll accomplish this by reading before bed, on days off, on quiet weekends. Whenever I can, basically! I'm just loving reading again, at the moment.

2. Book wedding venue. This is carried over from last month, and because we're shooting for a September 2017 wedding it's imperative we book somewhere this month. I really thought we'd have done this last month; but it turns out we're having trouble agreeing on a wedding venue. So, wish us luck!

3. Clear-out my wardrobe. At the end of August I had a big clear-out of my underwear and pj's and got rid of items that had ripped, stained, or lost their elastic. I then realised, I really need to do the same with my wardrobe. I have so many dresses/t-shirts/jeans I don't ever wear. This will be an easy one as it should only take an hour or so. Anything I don't keep I'll just bag up and donate to charity! 

4. Do something nice for someone. I'd like to say, I'd do this everyday, but I know that's unrealistic. Some days, I'll be too busy. Or I'll be in a bad mood and won't feel like being that nice (even though I know I should)! Doing something nice for someone can be something simple like sending someone a random compliment, to sending someone flowers. I just want to spread some positivity as much as I can this month!

5. Eat at least one piece of fruit and veg a day most days. I changed this goal right at the last minute, because I know, I know, I won't achieve this every day. I never get my five a day, so this is the first step to correcting that. I need to do a big fruit shop, because I vastly prefer fruit to veg, and do myself some fruit salads. Even if I just grab an apple or a banana for breakfast, that's an improvement on Nutella on toast! I'm aiming for most days, if I manage to do this everyday, great. If not, most days will do. It's a step in the right direction towards a healthier diet, guys!

What are your goals for September?

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