Wednesday 7 September 2016

Read In August//September TBR

I've finally broken out of my reading slump! I don't mind telling you, it feels so good to have fallen back in love with reading. I missed it, so much! And I'm excited to share with you, today, the books I read in August, and what I'm hoping to read in September.

The City of Mirrors by Justin Cronin
Although I started this book towards the end of July, it took me until August to finish it because. Well, because of feels. This is the final book in a trilogy I have known and loved for the last 5ish years, and I was a little tearful to reach the end of this book, and the end of the series. Also, it was a pretty bloody big book. So there's that. It was worth all the tears, though; another brilliant instalment in the series, and a fantastic farewell.
Rating: *****

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
This needs no introduction, really. I think most of you reading this post will have read this book, or be planning to read it at some point. Am I right? I'm strongly in the camp of "I loved it." My own feeling is that if you go into this with an open mind and no expectations; you'll enjoy it. But if you go into this expecting JK Rowling, and Harry Potter as we know it from the original series, you'll be disappointed!
Rating: ****

The Girls by Emma Cline
I was really looking forward to reading this book when I picked it up on it's release day back in July. Sadly, I was disappointed. I found this very hard to read; the description was so flowery in places. I'd expected a fast-paced, quite dramatic read and this just wasn't. It was slow, quite dull for the most part, and just not at all what I expected. I did enjoy it, just, nowhere near as much as I expected to!
Rating: ****

Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver
Another book to add to my list of favourites. Vanishing Girl was simply ah-mazing. It blew me away. I am one of those annoying people who reads the ending first and because of that, I felt I had a vastly different reading experience to those reading it the 'conventional' way! I also felt, by reading it this way, I had a much greater understanding of the book as a whole. The huge plot twist will come as a massive surprise to most of you; it certainly did to me. All-in-all a very clever, psychological thriller.
Rating: *****

And now, onto this month's to-read pile!

1) The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking
2) When Everything Feels Like The Movies by Raziel Reid
3) Nerve by Jeanne Ryan
4) The List by Siobhan Vivian
5) The Other Widow by Susan Crawford

I'm trying to be realistic with how much I can read this month; knowing that I have a lot going! One of my September goals is to read, at least, one book a week, and I know, there's five books up there, but When Everything Feels Like The Movies was a very short read (which I finished last weekend!) so I decided I could realistically aim for five this month! Wish me luck.
What are you currently reading? What have you read recently that you loved?

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