Friday 4 November 2016

November Goals!

Brown and Green Leaves

I'm not going to ramble on about how fast this year is going anymore. I've said more than enough on that topic in the last few blog posts I've written. No, instead I'm going to jump right into this post and recap last month's goals, and how I did, before setting a few new goals for November! 

Okay, so I was just looking at my October Goals blog post, you know, to recap on my goals for last month. And, it turns out, I set myself two lots of completely different goals. How did that happen? Because I didn't even remember the goals I set myself in last month's post, I'm going to recap the goals I set for myself in my planner instead. So, yeah, that's confusing. 

1. Read 5 books. This was a massive success. I actually read NINE books in total last month. I think you could say, I smashed it!

2. Finish Pretty Little Liars. And a monumental fail. Netflix screwed me over. I was halfway through Season Six of PLL, when Netflix released AHS Season 5 AND Black Mirror Season 3. I've only just finished these two, so I'm still halfway through Season Six of PLL. I'll get there...

3. Drive on the motorway. Yasss, I bloody did it! And not only did I do it, I did it by myself too. Which was a total accident...I took a wrong turn, the sat nav recalculated and decided to take me on the motorway. But it's no longer scary anymore, so yay! 

4. Swim regularly. Myself and my partner have been swimming once a week for the last 3 weeks. So another goal smashed!

5. Cut down on takeaways. As well as swimming once a week, my partner and I embarked on a new, healthier diet in October. After all, we do have a wedding to look good for! We've massively cut down on takeaways - we're down to one a week, sometimes even none! 

Four out of five ain't bad. Although, it seems to be where I'm stuck. I never seem to get that elusive five out of five. And I really thought last month would be that month, where I'd see myself ending October with all five goals completed successfully. It's all Netflix's fault. Maybe next month...

And here's what I'm planning to achieve in November...

1. Lose one stone. I've already lost half a stone in just under three weeks. So I'm thinking another half a stone this month should be totally doable! 

2. Get a haircut. I don't just mean a trim. I mean, a complete restyle. I've been scouring the web for inspiration, and I think I know what I want now. It's very different, though. I'll be sharing pics on Insta/Twitter when I've had the cut if you want to see what I went for! 

3. Book an eye test. This is really important as I'm two years overdue to have my eyes checked. Plus, I'd really like a pair of reaction lenses (to make driving in the blinding sun so much easier) so I need to get my prescription updated, if necessary, before buying a pair! 

4. Start Christmas shopping. Last year, I left my Christmas shopping till Christmas Eve. Not a good idea. This year, I want to get more organised!

5. Book a wedding venue. Guess what? This is actually looking very doable. My partner and I have both agreed on a venue, and we're just waiting on a meeting with the wedding coordinator to discuss availability! Eek. Very exciting!

What are your goals for November? How did you get on with your October goals?

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