When your desert is covered in edible gold stars, how can it not be your favourite meal of the month? Does dessert even count as a meal? I reckon it does...
Starbucks Red Cups, baby! Am I a basic bitch, or what? I've sampled a lot of Christmas hot drinks this month, but my favourite so far has got to be the Starbucks Fudge Hot Chocolate!

You know when you hear snippets of a song on a television advert, and you really like it, but you don't know who it's by/what it's called? That's my story with this song. I eventually found out all the deets, though, and I've not stopped playing this song all month. It's definitely my favourite tune, right now!

I'm finally all caught up with Pretty Little Liars, and eagerly awaiting the next instalment of the final series! I've got so many series on my Netflix to-watch list that it was really hard deciding what to binge watch next, but I eventually landed on Scream. At first, I thought it was a little cheap and tacky, but as Season One has progressed, this show has secured itself as my favourite TV series this month. I don't ever want it to end!
I did tell you that food would feature a lot in this blog post. I wasn't lying! My mum bought me this box of my all-time favourite chocolates after I had to have a cervical biopsy (long story short: make sure you attend your smear test, girls!)
My favourite purchase this month has to be this adorable Tigger Tsum Tsum. I've already got Eeyore and, completely unrelated, Marie. They all live on the dashboard of my car!
What were some of your favourite things in December?
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