Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Life: December Update!

Well, that's Christmas over and done with for another year. It always seem like it's a long time coming, and then it's over so quickly! Before we know it, we'll be welcoming in the New Year. Well, it's only a few days away really, isn't it?! So, before we find ourselves in January, I'm going to share with you what I've been getting up to in December...

Okay, so technically this actually happened in November but, for some reason, I didn't include it in my November Update blog post! Last month, I went to see Jodi Picoult talk about her new book, All The Small Things, at Cheltenham Town Hall. Jodi is one of my favourite authors, and it is her books that re-ignited my love for reading years ago, so to see her speak, in the flesh, was like a dream come true for me. It was a fantastic evening, and I came away from it with a signed copy of her new book; which I can't wait to read! 

Earlier this month, my fiance, mother in law, and I drove to Birmingham to do our Christmas shopping. We were hoping to visit the Christmas market, but it was so busy we soon gave up on that idea and just walked around the Bullring shopping centre. I made a point to drag us into Selfridges, and saw this display for Creed. I think this was the only photo I took all day; it was so crowded that I was scared to get my phone out too often in case I dropped it, or someone grabbed it! 

I've been getting up early most mornings this month, and I was finally rewarded by this beautiful sunrise one morning last week. It only stuck around for half an hour or so, before the skies returned to various shades of blue, but it was beautiful while it lasted!

Ahh, my precious! As you'll find out, in about a week or so, one of my "30 Before 30" goals is to buy myself a designer handbag. Well, I can tick that off the list right now! I found this gorgeous, and super practical, Karl Lagerfield handbag in TK Maxx for a lot less than the RRP! So, of course, I snatched it up! 

More Lush baths! My, very new, Christmas Eve tradition is to have a long hot soak in the tub, after wrapping all the presents, using a Lush Christmas bath bomb. This year, I used Golden Wonder and, although it didn't live up to my expectations, it did turn the water a lovely shade of blue! 

I also, of course, celebrated Christmas with my family this month. I usually have some photos to share of Christmas/Boxing Day, but I went, mostly, phone free this year, and I enjoyed myself a lot more. I felt like I was more in the moment, and not constantly worrying about tweeting about my day, or getting that perfect Instagram shot of the dinner table, ya know? I spent Christmas morning with my mum, and the rest of the day with my in-laws and fiancĂ©. And we all (mum, fiancĂ© and I) travelled to Bristol on Boxing Day for a second Christmas with my grandparents. It was lovely, and I received some lovely presents which I'll be sharing in a new post on Friday! 

Also this month, I got the all clear from the hospital regarding the abnormal cells on my cervix. I mentioned in my November Update that I'd had to go for an internal examination and biopsy. Well, I received a letter last Friday to tell me the changes were not any cause for alarm and should go on their own. I just have to go back for a smear test in three years! Which is a lot better news than I was expecting, to be honest, and meant I could really enjoy Christmas without that hanging over my head.

What did you get up to in December? 

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