...we got engaged!
After almost 6 years of being, and living, together, my other half finally popped the question! Now we're looking forward to 2017, and our wedding!
...Harley turned one!
Where has my tiny ball of fluff gone?! I can't believe he's one, already. And in a few weeks, he'll be turning two. Could somebody please work on slowing down time?!
...I passed my driving test!
It still feels surreal to me that I can just get in a car and drive now! Passing my driving test was one of the best things I've ever done, to be honest.
...I celebrated my 26th birthday!
I had a birthday week full of lots of treats, including; quite a few meals out with friends and family, and a day trip to Cardiff with my fiancé (shopping and playing Crazy Golf)!
...I got my first car!
And it's so freeing to be able to just get in my car and drive; whenever, wherever I want!
...I saw Jodi Picoult talk about her new novel!
And got a signed copy of aforementioned new book. She's my favourite author, so to see her speak was just such a brilliant experience.
...I got new hair, AND new glasses!
I guess you could say, 2016 was the year of the reinvention of me. Isn't it amazing the impact a new haircut/new glasses can have on your self-confidence?!
...I started my first bullet journal!
I don't use my bujo as much as I did when I first created it, but I do still use it for certain areas of my life!
...I worked with some amazing brands & companies!
I'd like to take a moment to mention just a few of the amazing brands/companies I've been lucky enough to work with this year, and who I hope to work with again in the future. A huge thank you to them for giving lil ole me the amazing opportunities they have!
- Busy B
Obviously, I couldn't include every single brand/company I have worked with this year in this list. I'd need a whole other blog post for that! But to every single one of you I've worked with this year, big or small, THANK YOU!
...I made big strides with my blog!
...I made big strides with my blog!
I hit some amazing milestones this year; 1k on Twitter, over 50,000 pageviews. And I can't wait to make my blog bigger and better than ever in the New Year. I wouldn't be here today without the support of you guys; your comments, likes and RT's make everything I do worth it. So I want to say a great big THANK YOU to all of you who've read and supported my blog. It really means the world to me.
What were your highlights of 2016?
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