I've already written a blog post about my goals for the year ahead. And while I'm working towards them all year long, I'm also going to be setting myself five, or so, monthly goals. I started setting myself monthly goals at some point last year, and it's really helped keep me on track with my yearlies, and keep me motivated. Before I lay out my January goals, I'm going to check back in on my December goals. Let's see how I got on...
1. Get into a daily skincare routine. I've taken steps to make this happen; I've gone through all my lotions and potions, and decided what I want to use when. I just haven't actually got into a routine yet. Maybe next month, eh?
2. Stick to my Christmas shopping budget. I did so well with this. I worked out exactly what I wanted to get everybody, and how much it would all cost me. And I stuck to my list. I still managed to spoil everybody, but I did it without breaking the bank!
3. Read six books. I didn't think I was going to manage six; I was being ambitious when I set this goal. But I did it, thanks to cramming ten hours of an audiobook in over the Christmas break.
4. Don't put on more than half a stone. I'm not going to lie to you guys, this goal was originally to "lose half a stone." But it became apparent pretty quickly that this was just not going to happen. There were far too many meals out, festive foods, and lazy takeaway days! So I edited this goal, and challenged myself not to put on more than half a stone in weight. And, at recent weigh-in, I've only put on 2ibs! I'm pretty damn pleased with that, to be honest!
5. Finish an audiobook. Again, a goal I wasn't sure I'd achieve when I set it. But I managed to finish Dear Amy in just two days, ticking off two of my December goals in one go (read six books, and finish an audiobook)!
I'm really pleased with my achievements in December, to be honest. It was a rough month for my mental health (I always find Christmas a very stressful, and anxious, time) so I wasn't sure I'd achieve any of these when I set them. So to be able to say I've ticked off four out of five makes me very happy, indeed! And now, onto January's goals!
1. Read five books. My GoodReads Reading Challenge for 2017 is to read fifty-five books. I figure, if I can average five books per month, I'll be a month ahead of myself come November!
2. Lose 2-4ibs. One of my goals for 2017 is to fit into a size 10/12 by the end of the year. The diet starts now, guys.
3. Declutter the attic, and the under stairs cupboard. We haven't been up in the attic in well over a year. It's about time we got up there and got rid of all the old Christmas decs and boxes. The same goes for the under stairs cupboard!
4. Save £300. This is going to be something I'm striving towards every month, in fact, as I'm hoping to build up our wedding fund this year.
5. Make a meal plan each week, and stick to it. The key to successful dieting, I've found, is to make a meal plan every Sunday night and stick to it. Takeaways, and rubbish food, come from not being prepared!
2017 is going to be the healthiest, happiest year of my life, I hope! I want to get fit, lose weight, be happier. And all of my yearly, and monthly, goals are working towards that. Wish me luck!
What are your goals for January, or 2017?
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