Wednesday 31 May 2017

May Faves!

Another month over so soon? The bad news is, in just a few days time we'll be halfway through 2017. But there is some good news, though! We're less than a month away from the first day of Summer! And the weather is starting to reflect that. I'm definitely more of an Autumn girl, but even I can't deny the mood-boosting effects of the sun. I've got quite a few favourites to share with you today, so grab a cuppa and enjoy!


I feel like I've been waiting for this book for ages! Well, I guess I have. I think the last book in the series was released in September? So it's been a while! This book, like the previous books in the series, was just brilliant from start to finish. Though it was a little slow to start, I still absolutely loved it and it definitely stands out as one of my favourite books this month!


I'm not a huge fan of the heat, but I have been absolutely loving sitting outside in the sunshine and sipping tea recently! 


I mean, is this food or is it drink?! I finally got my hands on a Freakshake and they are everything people say they are. This is the Cookies & Cream Freakshake from Frankie & Benny's - I highly recommend it!


Guys, pastel highlighters do exist! And they are every blogger's dream. If you haven't got your hands on these yet, then what are you waiting for? You can pick these up on Amazon for a fiver!


I've joined the Fitbit club! And I can't believe I waited this long. It's really helping motivate me to move more and get fitter - so it was a wise investment!


This is the year all my teenage faves make a comeback! Kicking it off were Paramore with their new album, After Laughter, which is on repeat in my car at the moment! In a month, or two, I'm eagerly anticipating the new Nickelback album. And on my wedding day, Fallout Boy are releasing their new album. So excited!

Are you a Paramore fan? 

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