With the arrival of June, we're finally at the halfway point of 2017. I swear, this year has both flown by and dragged on; anyone else know what I mean?! With the passing of another month, it's time to recap on how I did with last month's goals, and set myself some new ones for the month ahead. Let's go!
1. Join the gym. I didn't join the gym...but I did get a Fitbit! And I've really upped my step count, and fitness levels, as a result. So, the gym can wait!
2. Go to the gym. Well, because I didn't join the gym I obviously didn't go to the gym. Next...
All-in-all? Not a bad month! Here's what I'm hoping to achieve in June...

1. Get back into a daily skincare routine. I thought I had this nailed a month, or so, ago. But a few nights of excuses and I completely fell out of my daily skincare routine. This month, I want to get back to it as my skin is suffering without it!
2. Hit 5,000 steps, every day! This is a big one. As I work in an office, I spend most of my time sitting down. Then I come home and blog. Not exactly brilliant. I want to make more of an effort to hit my daily step goal every. single. day. Even if it takes a 20 minutes walk after work!
3. Hit 2000 followers on Twitter. I'm not ashamed to say that I care about my follower numbers! They motivate me to work harder, and cheer me on when I have worked hard. This month, I'd love to hit 2K on Twitter (cheeky plug ;))
4. Read six books. That's a pretty tall order, but recently I have been breezing through books like nobodies business. So I'm hoping I can hit this quite easily!
5. Spend less money on petrol. I seem to be spending anywhere between £60 - £100 a month on petrol. Which is ridiculous as my commute is only 2 miles, once a week. Where am I going the rest of the time to warrant that sort of spend?! I intend to plan car journeys better, not go out just for the sake of it, and so spend less damn money on petrol!
Wish me luck!
What are your goals for June?
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