*This is a collaborative post*

You’re engaged! Congratulations! Now you’ve got the exciting task of going out to choose your engagement rings, or maybe you’re choosing your wedding bands together. Here’s everything you need to know about choosing the perfect rings for you and your partner.
A rather obvious thing to be thinking about, I know. Sometimes though, people tend to go for a ring that is a little larger in fear of it becoming stuck. Go and have your wedding ring finger measured professionally. Many jewelry stores will do this for free, and make sure you make a note of what size you are if you’re not buying from that store. Remember that if your ring becomes too small or too large for your finger, you can have it resized.
Choosing the perfect diamond for your taste is something that people often skip over quite lightly. There are many different shades, sizes and types of diamond. Make sure that the one you choose is something you’re going to treasure for a lifetime. Think about whether you want a pristine diamond that sparkles and dazzles, or whether you’re happy with a quaint little diamond on your finger. Remember that the pristine diamonds are likely to cost you an arm and a leg.
Deciding what colour your wedding bands are going to be is something you might want to think about before heading out to look for your wedding rings. Would you like the traditional gold ring to accompany your engagement ring? Or would you rather go for white gold or platinum to display proudly on your finger? Again, prices may vary between colours and metals because platinum is much more expensive than gold.
Some couples choose to have a message or phrase that means something to each of them engraved on the inside of the ring. If this is something you’re interested in doing then enquire with your jewellers as to how much extra this would cost to have done for you and your partner. Remember, the phrase or message needs to be short enough to fit in a ring, yet mean something to you too. A popular choice is “I love you.”
Briefly mentioned throughout this article is the cost of your rings. Before heading out to choose your rings, agree with your partner how much you would like to spend on your rings. Set yourself a price that you absolutely cannot go above. This way you can tell the jeweller what your price range is and choose from their selection. Or, if you’re choosing to buy online you can enter your maximum price and browse the selection.
So there we have it, the ultimate guide to buying your wedding/engagement rings. Remember that they are a piece of jewellery that you’re going to be proudly wearing for the rest of your lives, so even if you are on a budget why not go all out and buy each other amazing rings to celebrate your love?
Are you newly engaged?
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