With all the photoshopped images that we are bombarded on the daily basis it is hard to feel confident about our look. More and more women feel obliged to plaster on tons of makeup and even spend time contouring just to go to the store or the gym. One of the more popular trends on Instagram is celebrities taking pictures ‘makeup free’, and apart from the brave few most have been filtered so many times it is hard to believe that any woman actually looks like that early in the morning.
So how are we expected to let our natural beauty shine, and feel good about it. Well the answer is a lot easier than you might think.
Do an experiment
Go a few days make up free, it can be on a weekend when there is less of a social expectation to look absolutely flawless. See how it feels to let you skin breathe, and more importantly try to see how much time you have saved yourself by avoiding your daily makeup routine. And if you don’t feel comfortable letting go completely for a couple of days, then at least minimise it to just a lipstick and mascara.
Heal your skin
By putting powder or concealer on a daily basis you are clogging up your pores for at least half of the day. And if you are not diligently removing it as soon as you get home it could even cause acne. Now the fist step to feeling confident about your natural look is getting your old glow back. Start with exfoliation, get those pores clean. Then get a few face masks, mix them up, you’ll need both cleansing and soothing ones. Also make sure you use a quality facial cleanser every day and the right face cream that will provide your skin with all the necessary nutrients. Always check that it has a good SPF, especially if you live in a sundrenched country like Australia.
Go the extra mile
Now that you have regained your glow, and your skin is finally breathing freely. It is time to get rid of all the little imperfections that drew you to make up in the first place. Start with skin pigmentation and go right ahead and book a pigmentation removal treatment. It is best to do that now, before the summer sun starts poking its hot head. You can also opt for a laser hair removal treatment and even pay a visit to you dentist. Now that that all the little details have been dealt with it is time to confidently flaunt your natural beauty.
Yes you should. Skin glowing, white smile flashing just hold your head up high and start enjoying the extra time you have saved yourself. You will see how empowering it is to feel beautiful in your own skin, without needing to modify it in any shape or form. In addition, you will seem more real and approachable and this will boost your self-esteem even further.
Be careful
Now, going natural does not mean that you have the permission to look like something the cat dragged in. Some people like the freedom so much that they stop caring altogether, which, in return, can be a very big problem. You still have to make sure you have perfect hair and that your fashion sense is on point. You still need to look well-put together in order to function properly both in your personal and professional life. What going natural will help you achieve is that feeling of confidence and pride about who you truly are both on the inside and on the outside.
There you have it, you are ready to face the world with a fresh face, glowing skin and a smile that can light up a room. Enjoy!
Mia Taylor is a fashion and beauty enthusiast from Sydney and writer for www.highstylife.com. She loves writing about her life experiences. Travelling and enjoying other cultures and their food with her husband is a big part of her life. She is always on the lookout for new trends in fashion and beauty, and considers herself an expert when it comes to lifestyle tips.
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