2. Read, at least, a chapter a day. Why was this so hard? Some days I read a lot more than one chapter, other days none.
3. Buy no more than four books in March. Hahaha. Everyone called it when they said I'd fail on this goal. And I did. I don't know exactly how many books I bought in March, but it was a lot more than four.
4. Put £1 in my savings every week. This should have been an easy goal to achieve, but I just totally forgot about it.
5. Spend less money on takeaways. We definitely didn't spend less money on takeaways. If anything, we spent more. Oops?
What happened to my motivation in March? My get up and go got up and went, as my mother would say. I'm determined to make April a better month, and to achieve all of my goals though. Wish me luck!
1. Eat three meals a day. This might seem like something of an odd goal to make, but as part of my new diet, I want to stick to the new calories guidelines. 400-600-600. A small breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a handful of healthy snacks if needed.
2. Watch a new series on Netflix. My Netflix watch list is out of control. So I want to make a dent in it by watching, at least, one new series on Netflix.
3. Practice mindfulness three times a day. As part of my Emotional Resilience Course, I've learnt a variety of coping skills to help me manage my anxiety and depression. I want to implement these in April, starting with practising mindfulness at least three times a day.
4. Buy myself flowers once a week. A self-care goal; flowers always brighten my mood. So having a vase or two dotted around the house is always a good idea.
5. Buy a new plant. I've reached peak adulthood, guys. I can finally keep plants alive. So this month I want to treat myself to a new plant, or succulent.
What are your goals for April?
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