Monday, 7 October 2019

Things I'm Looking Forward To In October!

I started this series back in August, and then took an extended break from my blog for around two months. So I didn't get around to sharing a "Things I'm Looking Forward To In September" post. If I had, it would have looked something like this; my birthday, our wedding anniversary, time off work and celebrations with friends and family. But today we're talking about October, and what I'm looking forward to this month.

1. Spooky nails. New nails in October can only mean one thing. Spooky nails, baby!

2. Decorating for Halloween. I adore Halloween, and I like to make it last the whole month long. So I decorate exactly four weeks before Halloween. 

3. Seeing my mum. I missed out on seeing my mum for my birthday last month, and we've had to cancel our plans since then for weather reasons. But I'm finally going to be seeing her this month and I'm so, so excited!

4. Sorting out my Halloween costume. I already have an idea of what I want to dress up as for Halloween this year, I just need to get all the pieces together now!

5. Finally finishing Death Note. This tome of a book has kept me busy for over a month now, but I'm so close to the end! And it's all kicking off now.

6. Tewkesbury Mop Fair. The biggest street fair in the South West returns to Tewkesbury this week, and the husband and I will be heading into town for a mooch and some food.

7. All the Halloween activities. Trick or treating. A spooky event on-board a steam train. A spooktacular evening at an aquarium. 

8. The Black Country Museum. This month, the husband and I are hoping to spend a Saturday or Sunday at The Black Country Museum. He's never been, and I haven't been since I was a teenager. It promises to be an interesting and fun day out!

9. More date nights. We've been trying to make more time for just the two of us recently, by scheduling in regular date nights. I think when you've been together for a long time it's easy to forget about spending time together one-on-one. Last week we went bowling. Next week, maybe the cinema? 

What are you looking forward to in October? Do you love Halloween as much as I do?

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