Monday 2 March 2020

Things I'm Looking Forward To In March!

I know February only had 29 days but seriously, last month just seemed to speed past! It feels like only yesterday I was writing my "Things I'm Looking Forward To In February" post, and now here I am writing the same post for March. I'm sure you all agree with me that this year is really starting to pick up speed! So let's press pause for just a minute, and look at what I've got to look forward to this month.

1. A fresh set of nails. As with every month, I'm super excited for a new set of nails. I'll be sad to say goodbye to my Valentine's Day themed nails, but I already have a new design in mind that I'm excited to share with you in my March Favourites post.

2. Four nights to myself. My husband travels to India for work this month, and I'm super excited to eat what I want, when I want; go to bed when I want; stay up late reading without disturbing someone else; and having the bed all to myself for a few nights! 

3. Celebrating birthdays. This month sees my husband turn 35 and my father-in-law turn 65. We have a big birthday meal planned for my father-in-law's birthday, and a day out together in the works to celebrate my husband's. 

4. Visiting a cat café. Hubby and I are thinking of visiting Stratford-Upon-Avon for his birthday day out and stopping off at the Shakespaw Cat Café while we're there. I've never been to a cat café before, so I'm super excited about this! Cakes, tea and cats. What could be better? 

5. Catching up with family. My grandparents are coming to visit this month, and I'm hopefully (weather permitting) going to catch up with my mum in Cardiff in the next few weeks too. 

6. First day of Spring. I'm normally a fan of the Autumn/Winter months, but I've really had enough of the cold, dark, wet and windy weather now. So I'm itching for Spring and it really is just around the corner now.

7. Mother's Day. I love spoiling my mum and grandma on Mother's Day and making them feel loved and appreciated. 

8. Catching up with friends. This weekend we have some old friends coming to visit for a long overdue catch-up over a meal out. I'm really looking forward to seeing them and enjoying a lovely meal together! 

9. A week off. Next week I've got a week off work and I am so looking forward to a well-earned break. I've been working my butt off this year so far! I'm also taking the week off from blogging so there'll be no new posts next week. 

10. A Primark haul. It has been so long since I last visited Primark. With my trip to Cardiff in the offing, I'm planning a visit to the big Primark and hope to come out with quite the haul to share on my blog. If you can't wait for the blog post, keep an eye on my Instagram Stories for a preview!

Lots to look forward to this month, then! What about you? What are you looking forward to this month? 

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