Wednesday, 15 April 2020

5 Great Games To Play During Lockdown

Since at least a quarter of the world's population are currently in some form of lockdown, I thought I'd start a new four part series sharing five films, books, games and TV shows my readers might enjoy whilst stuck at home. Anything to pass the time, right? And we're continuing the series with games! Shall we begin?

1. The Sims. Which version of The Sims you choose to play is entirely up to you. I tend to flit between three; TS2, TS3 and TS4. The Sims 4 has better graphics. The Sims 3 has better gameplay. And The Sims 2, in my opinion, has better babies and toddlers. There's usually sales on for The Sims 4 if you're looking to buy a copy! 

2. Star Stable. Viewed by many as a kid's game, I beg to differ. In my year of playing, I've met many mature players on my server. And from my time in Facebook Groups, I know there are plenty of mature players on other servers, too. Own your own virtual horses; train them; care for them. Quest to help save Jorvik from dark forces. Make friends and interact with other players on the same server as you. Even form your own club. All for free (to a point, and then you have to buy a monthly or lifetime membership to continue with certain parts of the game.)

3. Two Point Hospital. Remember Theme Hospital? The rubbish graphics? Bloaty Head? Fires that destroyed the whole room? Well, Two Point Hospital is the updated/upgraded version of the original Theme Hospital game. And with the improved graphics and gameplay, it's a fantastic update. And well worth playing. 

4.Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. This is the perfect game for a light-hearted half-hour on the Xbox or PlayStation. No pressure*, tons of nostalgia and lots of fun. (*Okay, I might be lying here. There's some pressure involved. But it's the sort of game you can't really fail pressure!)

5. Monopoly. Did you think this was just about video games? Nah! Now is the best time to start a game of Monopoly because you'll actually have the time to finish it! And really, how often does that happen? There's plenty of board games you can crack out of an evening with your partner in lockdown, or even play via video call with the loved ones you're missing. Cluedo, Jenga, Scrabble; if you have it, you can play it!

What games are you playing during lockdown? 

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