Sunday, 5 April 2020

April Goals

My goals for March sort of fell by the wayside. But considering we were, and still are, in the midst of a global pandemic, I'm going to cut myself some slack. Especially as one of the goals, to spend time with friends, couldn't happen because the UK ended up in lockdown. So instead of recapping on my March goals, I'm just going to set out my new goals for April. Here they are! 

1. Read all my true crime magazines. If nothing else, lockdown has given me the perfect opportunity to work through my massive magazine stack!

2. Skype with my family. I'm missing seeing my family so much, aren't we all? But the wonders of modern technology mean I can still see them, even if just through a computer screen for now.

3. Have a board games night with Chris. When I'm not reading, I'm usually looking at a computer screen. And my husband spends most of his time looking at the screen too. I want us to spend some time away from the screen this month by having an evening spent playing board games together. Monopoly, Cluedo, Jenga, Chess. We have plenty to choose from!

What are you hoping to achieve in April?

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