Monday, 6 April 2020

Things I'm Looking Forward To In April!

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light." 

Even though things seem bleak at the moment, there's plenty of things to look forward to, plenty of positives to be found, if you just look. So here are the things I'm looking forward to this month. 

1. Easter Sunday. Normally, we'd spend the day at my in-laws enjoying a delicious Easter roast. Obviously we won't be this year; lockdown and all that. But I'm looking forward to cooking a roast for hubby and I and then indulging in all the chocolate. 

2. All the chocolate. We may have already eaten one of our Easter Eggs. Oops? But we have a big Galaxy Easter Egg each that we're saving for Easter Sunday and I'm very excited for it!

3. New book releases. There are lots of books in my Amazon basket just waiting for payday to arrive so I can order them. I'll be sharing these in a future book haul post! 

4. Writing my own Hinch lists. My pre-order of Mrs Hinch's The Little Book of Lists arrived last week and I'm excited to use it to plan out my cleaning schedule each week. 

5. Enjoying the sunshine, safely. We're very lucky to have a nice back garden and a sun trap of a front garden to enjoy the predicted heatwave over Easter weekend in.

6. Picking up some household essentials. I've been focusing largely on food shopping recently, but we're down to my last supplies for things like washing up liquid, dishwasher tablets, air freshener refills and so on. I've added a few things on to my Tesco food shop to pick up next week, as well as placed a Wilko order for delivery with the rest of the stuff we need.

7. Reading. The best thing to come of this lockdown? More time to read! I'm hoping to get through more magazines this month, the pile is definitely getting smaller.

8. Board games night with hubby. One of my goals for April is to get hubby and I away from the computer screen by having an evening spent playing board games together. Old school, baby!

9. Harry Potter. This month, I'm introducing my husband to the wonderful world of Harry Potter with a film or two every weekend. I'm excited to share one of my favourite series with him and hope he likes it! 

10. Watching the baby fish grow. The first baby fish I caught, Small Fry, died on Mothering Sunday. He was very deformed, so I don't think he was meant for this world. But Nuggie, the second baby fish I caught, is thriving. And we have another addition to the breeder tank, Chip! He's smaller than Nuggie, but not much, and hasn't coloured yet, so I'm looking forward to watching them both continue to grow and change. 

What are you looking forward to this month? 

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