Wednesday, 29 April 2020

May Goals

Another month over already? This year isn't quite whizzing by as last year did, probably in large part due to the fact that we've spent the last five weeks locked down. We're missing out on family, friends, events and holidays. But if it keeps us safe and healthy and it's what we've got to do, we'll do it right? Today I'm setting out my goals for the month ahead, but first, a little look back at how I got on with my goals for April!

1. Read all my true crime magazines. Barring the new one that arrived over the weekend, I've worked through all of my true crime magazines and all of my Cosmopolitan's too!

2. Skype with my family. Finally got to video call (through FB Messenger) with my grandparents this month and it meant so much more than I can put into words to see my grandparents, even if through a screen. 

3. Have a board games night with Chris. We didn't get around to doing this one last month. Maybe one for May?

2 out of 3 ain't bad, especially considering the huge lack of motivation I've been feeling lately. I can't be the only one feeling unmotivated right now, can I? Anyway, here's what I'm hoping to achieve in May.

1. Read all my Your Cat and Happiful magazines. Considering the success of last month's magazine reading, I'm hoping to make my way through two different titles this month (I have around six of each title to read!)

2. Spend less time on the computer. I've rediscovered my love for The Sims, which is great. But I'm spending far too much in front of the screen, and suffering from headaches as a result. Less time on the screen is needed this month. That means phone and computer. 

3. Skype with my mum. Now that I've got my grandparents up and running with video calls, my next job is to get my mum up and running too. So I can video call with her, and so she can video call with her parents.

Wish me luck!

What are your goals for May? 

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